1-800-DENTIST Pay-Per-Call Patient Leads Matched to Your Dental Practice

Pay-per-call leads from Futuredontics are highly motivated potential patients matched to your dental practice by your location. We handle the marketing and advertising so you can focus on what you do best: delivering quality customer service and dental care to your new patients.

Nationwide patient marketing generates phone calls from patients looking for dental care.

Our highly effective all-digital marketing strategy has continued to change over the years to keep up with consumer behavior. We use SEO, SEM, Social Media, Email and affiliate marketing to meet potential patients where they spend their time. Our marketing generates 14 million website visits per year and thousands of calls per day.



Grow Your Dental Practice with a Steady Stream of New Patients

Nationwide marketing campaigns generate phone calls that will ring to your practice based on your location and hours of operation. 

Participation is limited in each zip code based on population density to ensure your practice receives a high volume of calls. 

You'll only be charged for calls that exceed 90 seconds, providing your staff time to qualify and accept the call.


Call Management Dashboard

  • Your real-time Call Management Dashboard is your control panel for tracking your success with your pay-per-lead program.

  • Only Pay for calls exceeding 90 seconds affording your staff extra time to interact and additionally screen new callers.

  • On this real-time dashboard, you’ll View a List of all Consumer Calls your campaign has generated for you with details that include:

  • The Consumers Phone Number
  • Date & Time of Call
  • Duration of Call
  • Recording of each Call
Let's Talk About How We Can Connect Your Dental Office With New Dental Patients

Let's Talk About How We Can Connect Your Dental Office With New Dental Patients

Give us a call or submit the form and we'll reach out to you to discuss how Futuredontics can help your practice with patient acquisition. 

Once we receive your form submission, we'll reach out to set up a time to discuss getting you set up with Futuredontics. In this meeting, we'll discuss:

  • What type of patient leads and/or marketing program will work best for your practice
  • Pricing for the program(s) that interest you
  • Any questions you might have about our pay-per-lead or marketing programs

We can't wait to show you how we’re able to consistently deliver the quality referrals and marketing expertise your practice needs to grow.

1 (866) 614-0389

Start Getting Your Practice New Dental Patient Leads